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Error: "Database schema failed to update" When the Archive Store Schema Is Being Updated


GFI Archiver fails to upgrade the schema of a Microsoft SQL-based Archive Store when the arc_users table of the database contains duplicate rows.

The error below appears in the Bulk Schema Upgrader tool:

Database schema failed to update

The error below appears in the UI while going through the Archive Store wizard:

There was an error reading from the pipe: The pipe has been ended. (109, 0x6d)

The debug file ..\GFI\Archiver\Store\DebugLogs\ManagementProviders.log lists further details:

"error ","ManagementProviders","Error: (MSSql) UpgradeSchema. Rolling back; message: The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.arc_users' and the index name 'IX_arc_users_hash_unique'. The duplicate key value is (-9119157397606036571). ; The statement has been terminated. ; SqlException. Error No: 1505. Error Code: -2146232060. SeverityClass: 16 ;

Running the queries below returns:

SELECT * FROM arc_users WHERE name IN (SELECT name FROM arc_users GROUP BY name HAVING COUNT(name) > 1)

SELECT name, COUNT(name) as nameCount FROM arc_users GROUP BY name HAVING COUNT(name) > 1

For example:





  1. Based on the SQL query output from above (userName column), check if the users still exist in the Microsoft Active Directory.
  2. If any user does not exist, create the user with the same login name in Microsoft Active Directory and make sure to fill in the mail attribute (you can disable the user object directly).
  3. Run MAUpdateUsers against the database, this should consolidate the duplicate user rows in the arc_users table.
  4. Try to upgrade the database schema again.



The database schema upgrade is completed successfully.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
