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Error: "Failed to parse stream. startIndex 不可以大於字串的長度" When Archiving Calendar items (Chinese System)


This article provides the solution to an issue that may happen when archiving calendar items using uni-code language (e.g., Chinese).


When the Archive Assistant is running on a system using a uni-code language (e.g., Chinese) and it processes calendar items, it creates the .ical file incorrectly. Then the server's Store service tries to process such a problematic item, and the following error is logged in the Store/Debuglogs/calendar.log log:

2014-01-02,21:12:29,326,1,"#00000828","#000000D7","error ","Calendar","error: Failed to parse file [C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\MailArchiver\Core\9632c435-adb6-4dfe-ac06-d81c9ea054c0.ical]. ParseFailed" 2014-01-02,21:13:59,611,1,"#00000828","#0000005A","info ","Calendar","Loading and parsing [C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\MailArchiver\Core\9632c435-adb6-4dfe-ac06-d81c9ea054c0.ical]." 2014-01-02,21:13:59,611,1,"#00000828","#0000005A","error ","Calendar","error: Failed to parse stream. startIndex 不可以大於字串的長度。 ;參數名稱: startIndex"

When opening the .ical file in Notepad, you find that the organizer line is corrupt. In the example below, you see that there is not a closing double quotation surrounding the name:

  • Problematic line: ORGANIZER;CN="顧新�?
  • How it should look like: ORGANIZER;CN="顧新"

Eventually, this item will not get archived and gets stuck in the Core/Queue.

This issue applies to the build 20131111.


To fix this issue, upgrade GFI Archiver and the Archive Assistant to MARC2014 build 20140616 or later.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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