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The GFI Archiver version check fails due to a missing section in MArcSettings.xml


Saving changes to Configuration > General Settings > Version Check Settings fails and the error 'Could not connect with settings provided' is displayed.
The debug log DashboardCore.log reads:

"info ","DashboardCore",">> CollectData" 
"info ","DashboardCore","Updates URL is" 
"info ","DashboardCore","GetMArcServersInfo()" 
"error ","DashboardCore","Error: CollectData() - Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

The whole <UMPolling> section is missing.


The MArcSettings.xml file is corrupt.

Note: Technical support should assist when facing this issue

This procedure requires files to be edited manually. If edited incorrectly it can leave the server in a non-operational state. Please keep backups of any file which is edited throughout this article before saving any changes to them.

  1. Check  ..\InstallationFolder\Core\Data\MArcSettings.xml for missing sections
  2. Stop all GFI Archiver services
  3. Add the missing section (for example, use a MArcSettings.xml from a fresh installation as a source)
  4. Start all GFI Archiver services


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 10 days ago
