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Error: "Not Responding" in Microsoft Outlook When Archiving Emails with GFI Archiver Archive Assistant


In some cases, the below error message is displayed in Microsoft Outlook when you try to archive emails using GFI Archiver Archive Assistant, and the application becomes unusable:

Not Responding

This article explains why this issue occurs and provides a resolution.




  • GFI Archiver
  • GFI Archiver Archive Assistant
  • Microsoft Outlook

Root Cause 

To operate correctly, the GFI Archiver Archive Assistant requires a good connection between Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange. The above error message is generated when the connection between the Microsoft Outlook client and the Exchange server is too slow for the requested operation to complete.



Although this issue is entirely a network issue (slowness through the network), it is possible to alleviate Microsoft Outlook from intense processing by forcing it to process email at slower rate, and leaving the Microsoft Outlook functioning smoother; this is done by configuring a AADelay(DWORD) key in the registry on the machine where GFI Archiver Archive Assistant is installed.

To configure the AADelay(DWORD) key, change the value in the registry path listed below:

  • For 64-bit Outlook: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GFI\MAROutlookAddon\

  • For 32-bit OutlookHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wow6432Node\GFI\MAROutlookAddon

The value for this key is a delay in milliseconds (ms). The archiving process will ‘sleep’ for the specified duration when emails are being archived. We recommend using a value of 1000. However, this can be increased on slower connections as you see fit.

Note: If any PST files are mounted into Microsoft Outlook which reside in the network or slow storage, move them to local storage or unmount them from Microsoft Outlook.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
