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Scheduled Archive Store (Database) is not created for the expected time period


This article will provide instructions on identifying why a database is not created immediately upon the expected time frame. 




Archive Stores are created on the schedule created when configuring the New Archive Store Settings




Below you will see a list of common reasons the Archive Store creation may fail or be delayed and the steps to restore the automatic creation. 


Mail has not been processed for that time period

Archiver processes mail as it comes in from the Journal mailbox. On some rare occasions this can mean that it is still processing the previous months data (i.e. mail from the 29th and 30th) and Archiver has not yet processed a mail starting after the 1st of the following month. This functionality is normal. The Archive store for the following month will be created when the system reaches and processes mail from the appropriate time period. This includes if users lost connectivity to their journal and are restoring the connection, but there was old mail still in the Inbox. As the mail is processed the Archive stores will be created as needed per the client's New Archive Store Settings. 


Out of Disk Space

If the SQL Server runs out of disk space Archiver will attempt to create the database but being unable to do so will then be unable to write the mail. As a result mail will back up in the Archiver processing queues. After freeing up or adding disk space, restart the GFI Archiver Services.



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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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