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Attaching an Archive Store


Archive Stores can be detached and attached again, for example when moving Archiver to a new server or dealing with data recovery. This article outlines the process for attaching an old database to a newer Archiver installation. 




Customers may ask "how do we attach archive stores?" with no other context. The first step will be to find all the context for the issue before following the solution. 

For information on how to detach an Archive Store, gathering the required information for later re-attachment, refer to Detaching an Existing Archive Store.

Archive Stores can no longer be created manually. Archive Store management is an automated process handled by Archiver. Archive Stores are created automatically when items are processed, based on the items date and on profile settings specified under Configuration > Archive Stores > New Archive Store Settings.



Note: Initial configuration for Archiver must be in place, this is because attaching an archive store will require an active database connection which should be set in the install wizard.




  1. Open the GFI Archiver web Interface
  2. From GFI Configuration tab, click Archive Stores.

  3. Click Attach.
  4. In the Configuration screen

    perform one of the following:

    Option Description
    Archive Store Name Move the cursor in this field and type to edit the current name.
    Allow users to browse and search the archive store Select to enable users to search within this particular Archive Store.
    Read-only access Enable this option to stop emails from being deleted from the selected Archive Store (when Email Deletion is enabled). While emails can be viewed, new emails are not archived. Additionally, users are also prevented from adding labels to archived emails.
    Do not archive more emails in this Archive Store When enabled, no further emails are archived in the selected Archive Store, and it is marked as 'Full'. If Email Deletion is enabled, users are able to remove emails from this Archive Store. Additionally, users are able to add labels to archived emails. A new archive store will be created when new emails need to be archived to that particular date range.


  5. Select the database type where you want to store archived emails and click Next.
  6. Specify the Database File LocationEmail File Location, and Search Index Location.
    Note: This should be gathered before detaching an Archive Store via the Summary tab. If you would like to place the Archive store content you are attaching in the same location as currently managed stores select an Archive Store and select Summary to see the currently used locations. 

    If the database type and location are unknown due to Data recovery or missing information review Databases Are Not Listed in the Archive Store Wizard When Trying to Attach an Archive Store to determine the database type, which further informs the email file location and whether there are additional files to place or attach. 
  7. Click Next.
  8. Review the Archive Store Summary and click Next.
  9. Click Finish.




The newly added archive store will now be available at GFI Archiver > Archive Stores

Depending on the options selected, the Status column may have one of the following icons:

Disabled "Allow users to browse and search the archive store" mceclip2.png
Read-only access mceclip1.png
Do not archive more emails in this Archive Store mceclip0.png
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
