Overview This article describes the process to install Outlook Connector via Group Policy Object (GPO). By using group policy, you can allow users to install the Outlook® Connector remotely in their m...
Overview This article provides information on the settings available within the Archiver Outlook Connector Prerequisites Outlook Connector must be installed either via manual installation or the .msi ...
Overview This article will provide the process for installing the Archiver Outlook Connector Plugin Prerequisites Outlook must be installed on the client device Solution Follow the steps below to down...
Overview On launching Microsoft Outlook with Archiver Outlook Connector installed, the Archiver mailbox does not appear and/or the Archiver toolbar is grayed out. Prerequisites Archiver Outlook Connec...
Overview When Outlook Connector is installed, Outlook Connector synchronizes with the Archive Stores for the user mailbox automatically. Diagnosis In certain scenarios, this automated method does not ...
Overview This article describes the different ways to increase Outlook Connector Synchronization Days Span. By default, the Outlook Connector synchronizes and keeps the last 365 days worth of email he...