The article details the process to delete unwanted archives. Customers often delete the old archives and get rid of them.
To remove all data files for a specific store, we need to remove:
- The SQL database file - mdf
- The SQL transaction file - ldf
- The Index folder
- The Binary folder (if applicable)*
The Binary folder only exists, if the specified database also uses the File Storage. To understand if Archiver is using the File Storage method, open the WebUI, log in with a domain admin, go to Configuration, Archive Stores, select the respective store that will be removed and click Summary.
The summary will tell you the following:
Database Name: 2018 Jan - Dec
Name of the database attached in SQL.
Path to the binary source: <path>
Refers to the Path of binary, only if the database type is SQL with Files Storage.
Path to search index: <path>
The value refers to the Path of the index database.
Once you have obtained the information outlined above:
In the WebUI's Archive Stores page, select the stores to remove and click Detach. At this point, you have disconnected from the SQL server, and have not removed any information.
Open SQL Management Studio and log into the <serverName\instanceName> that holds the respective databases.
Right-click the respective store and use the Delete option. A new window pops up and confirms the object deletion. It is recommended to check the Close existing connections option to prevent SQL Management studio from hanging.
Click OK to delete the object/database. At this stage, SQL deletes the mdf files, ldf files, and any backups, if selected in the Delete Object pop-up.
If applicable, Navigate to the Path to the binary source (see summary info) and delete the folder.
example of a path: D:\GFI Archiver Binary\2018 Jan - Dec\binary
delete the folder: D:\GFI Archiver Binary\2018 Jan - Dec\
Go to the Path to search index (see summary info) and remove the index folder.
Repeat steps 1 to 6 to delete more items as necessary.
Successful completion of the above steps will remove the SQL database (mdf), SQL transaction log (ldf), a binary folder (if applicable), and index folders.
Priyanka Bhotika