Overview When using GFI Archiver with a mailbox that uses Microsoft 365 (previously known as Microsoft Office 365), you may need to delete read receipts for emails that are sent out by the Journaling ...
Overview This article explains how to configure the options for sending out read receipts for incoming emails when using a mailbox hosted on Microsoft 365 (previously known as Microsoft Office 365). ...
Overview Retention Policies define the length of time that an archived email is retained in the Archive Store before it is deleted. For example, you can configure Archiver to retain emails marked ‘Sal...
Overview This article provides the steps to configure the IMAP Server in GFI Archiver, allowing connectivity to the archived content through alternative means than the preferred tools. Prerequisite...
Overview This article provides a description of functionality for Retention Policies Introduction Archiver checks email content against any retention policies configured at the time of archiving (or w...
Overview This article describes the features of Archiver, which require Microsoft Outlook or CDO/MAPI (Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects). Introduction Certain funct...
Overview After updating from 15.7 to version 15.8, you might face an error with archive mailbox, the error is: Failed to authenticate with EWS using app-only authentication. Error: The value cannot be...