Basic Information FAQs Feature requests
Having the possibility of an AI chat specialized in Archiver to answer your questions and solve your issues can significantly reduce the time for you to get help. Even in cases where ATLAS cannot solv...
GFI Archiver 15.6 is available for download. Release date: January 04, 2024 Release version: 15.6 (build 20231226) What Has Changed? Fixes Fixed: Emails from the journaling mailbox may stop gettin...
Overview GFI Archiver allows users to customize the number of search results displayed per page. This setting can be adjusted within the User Profile Preferences. This article guides you through the s...
Overview Microsoft Defender may generate alerts when creates and deletes temporary HTML files during system startup. This behavior occurs as part of the normal operation of the applica...
Overview This article guides on how to generate Application and System logs from the Windows Event Logs, used for troubleshooting purposes. Prerequisites Microsoft Windows Solution To generate these l...